Privacy Policy

This privacy policy provides you with details about the way your (user) data is collected and used by us. The privacy practices set forth in this privacy policy are for this website only. If, through this website you are redirected to other websites or by accessing links you are directed to other websites, then we are not responsible, and it is advisable that users review the privacy policies posted at those respective websites. The privacy policy is applicable only to (website). We would suggest you go through the privacy policy before moving ahead.

Personal Identification Information (hereinafter referred to as “PII”)

Our website does not collect any PII of the visitors, there is no requirement of any PII collection from users who merely browse, or access services offered on the Indian Institute of Placement website. However, if a user wishes to access additional information on the courses and services offered by us then they will be requested to register. Registration entails filling up of a form that may require some PII.

Privacy Notice

This is to share that our website follows privacy best practices and is in compliance with most regulations. Any update in our policy in consonance with evolving regulations will be notified to the registered users via email with subject “privacy update”, in case of any significant change.

Sharing Information With Third Party

We strictly follow the policy of not sharing any user data with third-party vendors. This document was last updated on November 10th, 2022